Many schools used federal Covid aid on longstanding, costly needs like new curriculum materials and buildings, a federal report says.

Does it feel like everyone around you is sick right now? Number of people with flu is high, and norovirus is surging.

Flu, Covid-19, and RSV hospitalizations are increasing, but have yet to approach last year’s levels.

Respiratory viruses will likely increase over the holidays as many of us expand our social connections. But we have several tools to help keep us from getting sick.

Prices and supply vary at local health departments, which offer low-cost shots for uninsured adults. Here's a guide for finding the vaccines.

RSV cases appear to be declining after reaching high rates in November.

RSV is on the rise and affecting a lot of young children. The good news is that there are now two key ways to protect babies.

Late November saw the highest RSV hospitalization rate in the state since at least fall 2018, CDC data show.

The coronavirus continues to pose a grave threat to the 15,000 certified nursing homes in the United States where some 1.2 million people live. Despite this risk, a CDC report found that just 4 in 10 nursing home residents received an updated Covid vaccine in the winter of 2023-24.

Even though we are seeing low levels of Covid-19, influenza, and RSV, the percent of clinic visits for general fever, cough, or runny nose is similar to last year.

The presence of anti-interferon alpha indicated the infection would likely be limited to mild symptoms like coughing or sore throats. Patients without it often experienced shortness of breath, indicative of a more severe case.

The number of flu cases in New York state is still low but starting to increase quickly. It’s risen by 12% since last week.

Those updates came Tuesday during the first meeting since May of the Georgia Department of Public Health board.

The New York state and New York City health departments have begun releasing data. Here's the State of Affairs.

Our wastewater system provides more than just sanitation. It can also act as an unbiased surveillance system (an epidemiologist’s dream).

Babies can’t get the vaccine until they are at least 6 months old. But a vaccinated mom can pass the antibodies on to her newborn.

Welcome to Healthbeat's first report from Your Local Epidemiologist New York. Dr. Marisa Donnelly gives the 'State of Affairs' on community health.

Supplies of the low-cost shots fluctuate daily and some county health departments still don't have any.

Nursing aides feel abandoned as they grapple with mental and physical troubles that stem from their work during the Covid outbreak.

Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo issued a bulletin with false or unproven claims about the efficacy and safety of Covid vaccines.