California is cracking down on people living outside like never before, taking an aggressive new stance to dismantling and clearing encampments.

Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme heat, which is already the No. 1 weather-related killer in the U.S.

State governments are slashing budgets that feed local health departments.

The vaccine has a short shelf life, and many doses expired last year and had to be thrown out.

Concerns are growing about undiagnosed illness among farmworkers because of a lack of testing and safety precautions.

Although public health officials recommend the newly approved Covid vaccine for everyone 6 months and older, it may make more sense to wait until closer to the holiday season.

Here are the latest recommendations on what to do to get better and keep from spreading the illness.

Misinformation coupled with a parental rights movement that shifts decision-making away from public health expertise has contributed to the lowest childhood vaccine rates in a decade.

A new study lends weight to fears that more livestock workers have gotten the bird flu than has been reported.

Farmworkers face some of the most intense exposures to the bird flu virus, but advocates say many of them would lack resources to fall back on if they became ill.

The World Health Organization has issued a report that transforms how the world understands respiratory infections like covid-19, influenza, and measles.

Finland is offering farmworkers bird flu shots. Some experts say the U.S. should too.

Six people who work at a poultry farm in northeastern Colorado have tested positive for the bird flu.

With the Environmental Protection Agency’s latest — and strictest — plan to minimize the risk of Americans drinking lead-contaminated water on the horizon, the debate over whether the rules go too far or not nearly far enough is reaching a tipping point.

Measles is on the rise in the United States. It’s going to get worse, largely because a growing number of parents are deciding not to get their children vaccinated against measles, as well as diseases like polio and pertussis.

The World Health Organization considers bird flu a public health concern because of its potential to cause a pandemic, yet the U.S. has tested few farmworkers.